Sewer Project Update
27 September 2022
As you may be aware, our long-awaited sewer project is about to begin. We appreciate your patience during this project, as it will be disruptive. During the project, there will be street closures only allowing local traffic. The work will generally be in the street right of way and include sewer line and manhole replacements, and relining existing sewers in place. We will also be replacing storm catch basins and piping at many of the intersections and updating the pump stations. Individual sewer lines from homes will be replaced from the sidewalk to the new sewer main only (maintenance of your sewer from the house to the sidewalk is the homeowner’s responsibility). Any planned temporary disruption in water or sewer service will be coordinated with individual homeowners. The schedule of work is tentatively as follows
Fall/Early Winter 2022:
St. Lawrence Avenue from Pine Street to Beech Street
Work to start at intersection of St. Lawrence and Pine, and progress westward
Main Street from St. Lawrence Avenue to Route 37
Work to start at St. Lawrence Ave and progress south to Rt. 37
Work at Sewer Plant
Work on Fenton Street, Maple Street, Ogden Ave, Beech Street, Franklin Road, LaGrasse Street, Work at Plant, and new outfall to River will take place next year. We will provide updates as the project progresses.
The General Contractor for the sewer work is Perras Excavation from Massena, and the contractor for the pump station and sewer plant work is Continental Construction from Gouverneur.
Once again, thank you for your patience. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to Contact Chris Reagan at 315.276.8155 contact me directly at 315.244.5233.
Mike Zagrobelny, Mayor